
aren't you tired of...

Feeling tired, uninspired, and worn the fuck out by the end of each day, only having enough energy to numb out with a glass of mediocre wine, some social scrolling and bad TV before crashing into bed in your frumpy ass pajamas, only to get up and do it all again the next day?

 * Wondering where the passion and excitement has gone from your business, your sex life, and everything in between?

* Feeling like you spend more time scheduling your kids’ social life and activities than your own, wondering when the fuck the fun girl you used to be left the building?

* Beating your head against the desk trying to think your way to success, while your kids bang down the door begging for snacks like they didn’t just have a meal 5 minutes ago and you swear to God you’re not sure how much more of this fuckfest you can tolerate before giving up?

* Feeling like your posts are invisible, your partner doesn’t pay attention, your kids ignore you, and every one of your friends are also too busy and overwhelmed to do anything fun anymore?


* Feeling like no matter what you create there is someone doing it better than you anyways so why the hell bother, often tossing your good ideas because deep down you're really just afraid to put in the work and have it not actually work, yet again?

* Feeling like the only way to belong is to participate in the whiny, negative, and miserable mom chit chat about hard, unfair, and overwhelming life is (even though you’re bored to death of talking about your kids and have so much more to share)

* Being afraid that who you really are, what you really have to say, and what you really want to do will get you chased out of town with pitchforks leaving you alone, broke, and outcasted by the very people you want to respect you most?

Or maybe you're just bored to death of being boring...

Maybe you’re just sick of biting your tongue when you want to scream, down playing your assets when you want to show them off, being small when you know you’re a big, bad girl with opinions, ideas, and the audacity to want to be heard.




Bold AF isĀ Ā 

designed to help you reignite your passion, ditch mediocrity, and get you out of your head and into your powerĀ so you canĀ stop holding yourself back from the big, bold, life you were meant to live.Ā 

It's time to fall in love with LIFE + BIZ again.

It's time to stop trying to "get there" and just be HER already...

āœØĀ PowerfulĀ šŸ”„Ā CertainĀ šŸ–•UnapologeticĀ šŸ’•IrresistibleĀ ā¤ļøā€šŸ”„Turned on

šŸ¤‘Ā Well fucked and well paid (#sorrynotsorry)

Have we met?

I'm Emilie, a wife, mom of 4, and recovered people pleasing good girl turned rebel determined to redefine what it means to be a good wife, mother, and woman.

I'm a multiple 6 figure life+success coach for mom entrepeneurs who are sick to death of feeling like motherhood alone should be enough. Simply, I help ambitious, big dreaming mommas figure out how to have it all (and at the same time!)

I know you're stuck in your head, trying to figure out HOW to make it work. I worked so hard my first year in biz I ended up in the hospital with a panic attack disorder diagnosis.

It was the best thing that ever happened to me. I taught me to say "fuck perfection" and lean into my messy, imperfect, loud, opinionated self, and guess what?  My business grew 400% the following year while I cut my hours in half.

I now help women reignite their passion, silence the good girl who is holding them back, and learn how to fall in love with life in order to grow their business. Simply, I'm gonna teach you why the more fun you have, the more money you make.


stop thinking and start embodying the magnetic woman people can’t look away from, the powerful leader people want to follow….on social media, in real life, the boardroom, bedroom, and everywhere in between. 

Most of all, you’re going to remember how exciting šŸ¤Æ, juicy šŸ’¦, and fun šŸ„‚ life can feel again 

Yes, you’re going to learn a few new things, but most of all, you’re going to practice accessing, feeling, and reviving the guide-ess within who knows what you’ve forgotten...

you’re a powerful, fiery, passionate woman who deserves to be seen, celebrated, and paid just for being you. 

Your voice is needed.

Your light is required.

Your big-ness benefits the world.

 Too much is never too much and turning down your light to make other people comfortable is not the vibe.

here's what we're covering:


It's time to take perfection off the fucking pedestal, stop trying to impress people we don't even like, and learn to feel ready and worthy right now. In this first lesson we will:

>> Dig into how we lose our connection with our inner guide-ess, why we feel so lost & lonely and start asking the world who we need to be instead of telling them who we are.

>>Learn how to see, honor, and celebrate the WHOLE of who we are, including the imperfect, messy, lazy, bitchy, and fully human parts of ourselves we've spent a lifetime trying to change. 

>>Lovingly release all the people, ideas, beliefs, accounts, and influences that no longer serve the woman we are becoming so we can make space for the upgrades on the way.


You want to be perfect and admired or real and loved? You're stuck in people pleasing, hard work, and proving instead of attracting & allowing. This week we're diving deep into: 

>>How to get out of your masculine and into your feminine (aka trade thinking and hustling for feeling & attracting) so you can have way more fun while working less (and letting the people, clients, and cash come to you!)

>>Reconnecting with what turns you on, makes you feel alive, and gets you excited about life + biz again.

>>Creating powerful experiences for you to FEEL the shifts, expansion, and ease you've been missing.


You have no idea how powerful you really are when you are LIT UP, happy, rested, and in your zone of genius. When you GLOW UP your results BLOW UP to meet you. This week we're:

>>Raising our standards, upgrading our environment, and expecting more in all areas. No more settling!

>>Learning how to say YES to life so life can say yes to us and our big dreams.

>>Breaking down law of attraction, vibrational alignment, manifestation mistakes keeping you stuck and how to feel your way towards the life you really want.


You want people to follow you? You sure as fuck better know where you’re going and keep walking whether or not they keep up. This week you're going to learn:

 >>How to walk in every room like you own the damn place.

>>The power of cultivating a powerful, personal brand that effortlessly attracts your ideal client

>>How to appoint your damn self to the next level woman you know you are meant to be

>>How to handle criticism, judgement, or passive aggressive bullshit from people as you begin to show up as the REAL you.

here's what you get...



4 powerful trainings + Coaching Calls replays where you're going to unlearn all the bullshit holding you backĀ 


This course is about action, getting out of your head and into your body, so we ain't gonna just talk the talk, it's time to walk the walk bitch. Each week you'll have specific BOLD tasks to get you DOING instead of thinking


Bold AF Program


Pay in Full

  • Bold AF 30 Day Program
  • 4 trainings
  • Weekly Homework
  • BONUSES: Calm Down, Level Up, Getting Paid to Be You, Good Girl's Guide to Breaking the Marketing Rules

Bold AF Program + Courageous AF


Pay in Full

  • Bold AF 30 Day Program
  • 4 trainings
  • Weekly Homework
  • BONUSES: Calm Down, Level Up, Getting Paid to Be You, Good Girl's Guide to Breaking the Marketing Rules
  • Courageous AF Full 5 Day Replay (click here to learn more!)

Bold AF Program

2 Monthly Payments of $555

Payment Plan

  • Bold AF 30 Day Program
  • 4 trainings
  • Weekly Homework
  • BONUSES: Calm Down, Level Up, Getting Paid to Be You, Good Girl's Guide to Breaking the Marketing Rules